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Subscribing to a membership.

If you would like to become a member of either The Guild of Jewellery Designers, The British Pearl Association or The Guild of Jewellery Retailers, first register to become a member and choose a subscription category from the 'Subscriptions' tab on the main navigation bar.


From the dropdown choose a category (GoJD, BPA or GoJR) and then a payment time period Monthly, 6 Monthly or Yearly. The options within those categories then become available and can only be added to the cart when you are logged in.


If you're logged in, simply add to cart and check out. When your subscription is activated, various resources applicable to your membership become available to you (eg. PPL insurance documents) Please allow us a short time to see the email for your application and activate the membership as this is a manual process.

Updated on: 22/10/2023 11:12
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